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Make the best out of your medical trip in Greece

During your trip to Athens for medical reasons, it is certain that you have many issues to take care of and you don’t want to worry about things like your accommodation, your transfers or any other practical issues before and after your medical visits. Especially, if you have to deal with some serious health issues, your mind needs to be as hassle-free as possible.

So, our advice is to focus on your medical needs for your trip, and let everything else to our hospitality team at CloudKeys. We will transform your travel into a pleasant memory, into an unforgettable experience you really want to remember, even if it didn’t start like this at all.
Medical Tourism in Greece
Traveling for health reasons constitutes the 7% of all domestic and international trips made each year, and it is expected for the upcoming years a continuous upward trend in the sectors of Medical Tourism, Medical Thermal Spa and Wellness Tourism

Greece is ranked 34th in the world in medical tourism, a very important position, as it attracts around 85,000 people per year who travel for the above reasons. By 2023, it is expected to receive more than 100,000 medical travelers per year
Specifically in the sector of fertility treatments, the recent law change in Greece favours the slightly older women who wish to procreate, as the age limit for women undergoing IVF is raised to 52 years. This change will be in effect until 30 June 2023. It is also important the fact that Greece ranks 5th in the world in fertility tourism

Popular treatments in Greece and why
The most popular medical reasons to visit Greece are fertility treatments in first place, as we already said, but also ophthalmology, orthopaedics, various plastic and cosmetic surgeries, dental issues, rehabilitation and treatment after a serious surgery, special health issues such as: obesity, dialysis and general surgery, traumatology, infectious diseases and otolaryngology or specialized treatments that take place in a tertiary hospital. Not to miss, of course, Wellness and WellBeing Tourism in the plethora of thermal natura springs that the country has, is already an important part of the tourism of modern Greece.

Some of the main reasons that the above travellers will choose another country from their home-country for medical issues are the use of latest technologies and methods by specialized trained staff, the research of a better human care and attention, the immediate medical care without long waiting lists and, of course, the lowest cost of the medical services.
Quality of Services
There are excellent private medical structures, as well as the abundance of natural thermal springs that Greece has and that visitors can combine during their visit are two factors that can also play an important role in Greece's rise in the country's global ranking in medical tourism, while lower healthcare costs compared to other countries and shorter waiting lists add to these factors.

Low Cost Highest Value

Travel and accommodation (and most of the time, all the additional costs) are relatively low in Greece compared to other European countries. Therefore, patients tend to not only stay in Greece for their treatment but extend the duration of their trip considerably after that.
Augmented travel experience
Everything we already analyzed above highlights the ease with which someone can combine quality medical care services and at the same time some holidays and entertainment in one of the most suitable countries for this: Greece