Όριο 60 ημερών για τις βραχυχρόνιες μισθώσεις ακινήτων.

Clarification on the 60-Day Limit in the Vacation Rentals Legislation

Clarification on the 60-Day Limit in the Vacation Rentals Legislation 1024 614 Cloudkeys

Many of our clients and prospective property owners have been calling us in the past few days to ask about the directive in the Ministry of Finance’s bill regarding the 60-day limit on vacation rentals.

The bill proposed for voting by the Ministry mentions this time limit concerning the definition of a vacation rental.

Simply put, what type of individual rental (or an individual reservation) is considered a vacation rental and what is not (long-term rental).

“The 60 days refer to a specific rental, not for the whole year. More than 60 days will be considered a civil rental. Someone can rent out their property for, say, one week at a time for all 52 weeks of the year,” the Minister of Finance said.

Therefore, there is no issue of a 60-day limit for short-term rentals for each calendar year. At least for now, although the Hotel Association is continuously pushing in this direction.