Tip of the day 5/9/2022 – The Greek Museum of Meteorites

Tip of the day 5/9/2022 – The Greek Museum of Meteorites 1024 683 Cloudkeys

The Greek Museum of Meteorites (Iakovidou 27, Athens) is located close to the city center, in Patisia Area (Agios  Eleftherios metro station) and if you are interested in space and meteorites, it is the perfect stop if you visit Athens!

There are 550 original meteorites from almost every known, recognized, official classification with meteorites 4.56 billion years old, from the same materials that created all the geodesic planets and our Earth, meteorites from the Moon, Mars and other planetoids such as 4 Vesta, and of course meteorites of cometary origin. There is also a unique – at least for Europe – collection of impact rocks from 25 officially recognised craters of meteoritic origin. Among the findings there are also meteorites that have been found by personal research of the director of the museum in Greece. There is, also, the interactive possibility of guided tours, either personal or in groups, with the help of audiovisual material.

And when you finish your visit in the museum, don’t forget to visit also Kosmikon Pastry shop to try galaktoboureko, one of the most famous in town.