Tip of the day 12/6/2022 – Trams in Athens

Tip of the day 12/6/2022 – Trams in Athens 1000 930 Cloudkeys

0n 1955, by decision of the Minister of Transport, Konstantinos Karamanlis, the removal of the trams from Athens begins, which are replaced by trolleybuses. It has written even a song about “the last tram in Athens” and you can listen it just to get a feeling of the Greek music of another era.

But, last years, the tram is another public transport used a lot, especially by tourists in Athens as it is the transport that it can take you from city center to Athens Riviera and beaches really comfortable, cheap and with a nice view, as it passes through the city. Another recent addition and connection to the tram routes in Athens is the tram of Piraeus that only have some weeks to start its route. So, if you like to have relaxing routes in  the city and discover another neighborhoods and Athens by the sea, take the tram from Syntagma and start another trip during your trip.