Tip of the day 5/1/2022 – 132 years of hamburgers

Tip of the day 5/1/2022 – 132 years of hamburgers 1024 683 Cloudkeys

On January 5th of 1889, it was the first time that the word “hamburger” is written at the Washington’s newspaper “Walla Walla Union”. It was Genghis Khan that started its… reputation as a convenient food for his soldiers to eat it with one hand as they were riding their horses. After that, the same recipe reached through Russians in the East Germany and the port of Hamburg with the name Rundstuck Warm (slices of bread with a pork meat) or Brotchen with beef. Some decades later reached America from Germans immigrants and became famous as a street food. The name “hamburger”that it was established means that came from Hamburg.

If you want to honor the day with a good hamburger in Athens, we have some suggestions for you:

But, it’s possible to find another one not mention at the list as you walk in your neighborhood and being delicious too. Burger restaurants are everywhere!